
Community CareAge Foundation (CCAF) has preached the concept of nurse clinic and established CareAge Nurse Station in five districts in Hong Kong since 2009. We adopt a medical-social collaboration model and hire registered nurses and registered social workers to serve the grass-root citizens aged 60 or above by providing free-of-charge healthcare services. To promote the concepts of ‘prevention is better than cure’ to the elders and help them to identify their health problems early, our services include public health education, body check and cognitive screening, and chronic diseases management, etc. At the same time, we provide training and knowledge to the caregivers with elders to build harmonious families and communities.

CCAF believes that by engaging the elders to learn how to make their lifestyle healthier, enjoy healthy eating and pay more attention to their own health, we can achieve diseases prevention, early treatment for identified health problems, and keep our health status stable. By doing so, we can help the elders we serve to walk further with good physical and mental health.

Service Highlights:

  • Public Health Education
  • Clinic-based Consultation on Healthcare to Elders – To evaluate and monitor the health status of the elders we serve, and to enhance their self-management capacity by education and training to reduce their visits to clinics and hospitals
  • Healthy Lifestyle Teaching and Training
  • Referral to Private Practice Doctors – To timely support the elders in the long queue of public medical services, and refer them to private sector for urgent treatment if necessary. 
  • Caregiver Support Service – training and emotion support
  • Bridging Medical Professionals to Elders – To provide free-of-charge eye examination and treatment, oral examination, and hearing test.

Locations of CareAge Nurse Stations

Better Use of Resource by Medical-Social Collaboration

CCAF uses our donation best on the elders we serve. Therefore, we proactively engage with the community-based NGOs to work together and set up CareAge Nurse Stations at their centres. The approach not only saves us the rental cost, but also facilitate us and other partners to have synergy effort for the wellbeing of the elders living in the community.

Our long working partners includes St. James' Settlement, the Hong Kong Chinese Church of Christ Grace Elderly Activity Centre, YWCA Kowloon City Integrated Home Care Services Team, Food Angel, Kowloon Chai Kai Fong Welfare Association, Yan Kwong Social Service Centre, Ho Wing Neighbourhood Centre for Senior Citizens, Hong Kong Aged Concern.

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